How To Earn Consistent Monthly Income Without Creating A Product Or Service
Or Spending Tons Of Time Away From Your Family.

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July 7, 2020 | This post may include affiliate links. As an affiliate, I receive compensation if you purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you.
Here are 7 reasons why you should get started with affiliate marketing. Learn about the convenience & flexibility, the free marketing tools, and the passive income you could earn.
Hey, this is Arthur Cundy from And today we’re going to talk about the seven reasons why you need to get started with affiliate marketing. So stay tuned.
FREE Webclass Reveals: How To Earn Consistent Monthly Income Without Creating A Product Or Service...
Or Spending Tons Of Time Away From Your Family.
Alright, so there are seven top reasons why you want to get started with affiliate marketing. And I’ve got some notes off to the side here. So if you see me looking down, that’s why. So I’m just going to get right into it. So the first reason is, it’s a billion-dollar industry. This isn’t just something that a few people are doing, or it’s kind of like underground or, you know, it only works for some people. This is a billion-dollar industry that’s been around for many, many years. And a lot of the top fortune 500 companies have affiliate programs that you can sign up for free and start earning income right away. So this isn’t just a flash in the pan, a fly by night type of deal. This is something that’s that solid, it’s been around for a long time, and a lot of people are having great results with affiliate marketing.
So number two, it’s a low cost to get started. So a lot of other business models out there, you need to either get a license or take a long course or put a lot of upfront money, or a down payment or something to really get started with that business model. With affiliate marketing, you don’t really need any of that you can sign up free, you get a whole bunch of tools and resources to help you earn income by promoting other people’s products or services.
For someone who’s looking to increase income, but doesn’t have a lot of money to get started, affiliate marketing is a great way for average, everyday people with families to do that.
Number three, it’s convenient, and it’s flexible. Because it’s a low cost to get started. And because you don’t have to have like a huge degree, the barrier to entry is very, very low. It’s very convenient to get started and make money with it. And it’s also very flexible because you’re not locked into a time schedule.
If you want to do it at night, you can. If you want to do it during the day you can. If you want to do it on the weekends or when the kids are napping or having their playtime, you can. You can create your own schedule. It’s very, very flexible, very convenient. And for people who have families as I do., It’s a very attractive way to earn additional income alongside your job or your business or whatever else you have going on. So that’s the third reason.
The fourth reason is that it’s less headaches. So if you have a business, if you have a company, there are lots of headaches that come along, with having that type of business model. So you have to hire and fire people, you got to deal with insurance, rent, supplies, customer service back and forth, emails, the tech that goes along with supporting, type of business that you have.
But with affiliate marketing, there are fewer headaches, the company takes care of all of that risk. And all of that overhead, all you do is simply refer a customer and get paid, refer a customer, get paid, it’s very simple.
And it takes a lot of the headache and the grunt work and all the negative sides of having your own business and your own, storefront or just having even an online business. There’s lots of stuff that comes along with that, that affiliate Marketing can kind of just take, you know, you could get away from that with affiliate marketing. So less headaches. That’s that’s key.
The fifth reason is independence. So you’re able to be an independent entity when you’re doing affiliate marketing. Now, there are some restrictions, some affiliate programs will have, you know, oh, you can’t promote it this way. Or you know, that, you can’t bid on their keyword on say, Google advertising or something like that. But generally, you’re an independent person, you can make as much or as little as you want. There are no quotas. It’s not like you’re part of a sales team, and you have to hit quotas each month, or else your off the sales team and you can’t make any money. You can control your hours the time you put into it. If you only want to put in one hour a week, you can do that. If you want to put in 20 hours a week you can do that or more. So it’s completely up to you, how you want to work and how many affiliate programs that you want to be a part of, you’re not locked in. It’s very flexible. You’re independent, and you can control your income with affiliate marketing.
The sixth reason is that you get free marketing tips and tools and a kit. You’ll get like a brochure or a PDF, you’ll get emails or articles to use, you’ll get audios or videos that you can use in your promotions. You’ll get banner ads to put on your website, you’ll get weekly trainings and stuff like that to help you promote the product or service.
If you’re a part of a good affiliate program is not just sign up and just hope you make money. There’s a lot of free training and support that comes along with affiliate marketing if you choose the right affiliate programs.
The seventh reason and it’s a big one is passive income. So a lot of the affiliate programs out there, some of them pay you one time which is great. You know, they give you a nice chunk of money for each customer that you refer. But I like focusing on affiliate programs that provide consistent residual and passive income. So you refer a customer once and get paid month after month, year after year as long as that person stays a customer.
If you’re looking for a way to earn a consistent income, affiliate marketing is definitely a route that you want to explore, and take because of the reasons that I’ve mentioned earlier.
It’s easy to get started. It doesn’t cost a lot of money. You refer customers you get paid, and a lot of ways you get paid over and over and over again. So it allows you to control your time. You can spend your time referring one customer once and over the course of many, many months and years. You can get paid consistently.
So one of the affiliate programs that I refer as for web hosting, and I’m still getting paid on customers that I’ve referred since 2010. And I haven’t done anything else with that. I haven’t spoken to that person or done anything to their website, I just refer them to a web host that I recommend. And every time they renew their, their web hosting account to keep your web website up online, I get paid for that.
So it’s a great way to earn consistent recurring revenue long term. Those are the seven reasons why you should get started with affiliate marketing. And I’ll talk to you in the next one.
Hey, before you go, if you’re looking for a way to earn additional income for your household, I’ve got something special for you. So I’ve created this free web class, where I’m going to show you how to earn consistent monthly income without creating a product or service or spending a ton of time away from your family. So go to and enter your info, and I’ll send it to you right away. And I know this is really going to help you earn some additional income on a monthly basis. So,, and I’ll see you there.
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